
Top Air Conditioner (AC) Brands

Air Conditioner- The need of Current ERA

Summer has already arrived in some part of country and people are searching for the best AC brands in India to check their reviews before buying. Air conditioners have become very popular from last few years as the average temperature is rising every year due to global warming. The demand for AC is increasing and air conditioners are becoming a part of Indian homes.
If you are not buying air conditioner due to high electricity bills, you should check energy efficient air conditioner as they reduce the electricity consumption in an AC. Multiple air AC brands are available in India and below we have a list of Top air conditioner brands in India for 2021.

10 Most Popular AC Brands In India 2021 

1. Haier

Source: Marketingmind

It is a popular appliances brand that manufactures products like washing machines, refrigerators, LED, water heaters, and ACs. Hair air conditioners are known for their longevity, performance and excellent cooling. The ACs come in different price ranges from 20k to 50k according to the features and reliability.

2. Daikin

Daikin Air conditioner
Source: Marketingmind

The air conditioners made by Daikin are of Japanese technology and the company is operating in India for decades. Daikin has gained popularity due to its affordable prices and latest functions that are provided in the air conditioners.

These efficient ACs are the ultimate solution to keep the heat wave at bay and you would not have to shed a sweat once you have installed them in your home or office.

3. Voltas

Voltas-Air Conditioner
Source: Marketingmind

Voltas is one such names that have the trust of Indian consumers due to the durability of their products. Air conditions made by Voltas are power efficient and the creative advertising campaigns have helped it to reach more audience.

4. LG

LG-Air Conditioner
Source: Marketingmind

LG is one of the most popular consumer goods brands in India. This South Korean brand uses the latest technology in air conditioners and focuses on providing quality to the customers. lG ACs are available to buy in Indian market from 17k to 80k.

5. Mitsubishi Electric

Mitsibishi- Air Conditioner
Source: Gibsonair

Mitsubishi makes products according to needs of Indians. STarted in the 1950s, Mitsubishi electric has come a long way. It sells a wide range of high-quality products including a wide range of air conditioners- split and window ACs.

6. Blue Star

Source: NSOIndia

Started in the year 1943, Blue Star is the oldest electronic company of India. Some of the famous AC models of Blue Star are 5HW12SC 1 Ton Split AC and 3HW12FC 1 Ton Split AC. The split ACs of this company is known for its performance and cooling.

7. Hitachi

HItachi - Air Conditioner
Source: Marketingminds

Hitachi was founded in 1920 in Japan. They are famous for producing energy efficient products. The ACs of Hitachi have some additional features such as auto climate technology which is in demand these days.

8. O General

O General
Source: JobRiya

O General is known for air conditioners that are very energy saving. It has been awarded many times for the energy saving quality which has helped the brand to gain the trust of a mass number of Indians.

9. Samsung

Source: Leadrouters

Being one of the most selling electronics product company in the world, Samsung is producing air conditioners for some years now. This South Korean brand is expanding its market in India by launching every type of AC.

10. Carrier

Source: Carrier

Founded in 1920 by Bill Carrier, it is one of the most reliable AC brands in India due to to the clean and cool air it provides amazing functions to make the life of customers easy.